[row custom_class="first-row"] [span12] [lazy_load_box effect="slidefromleft" speed="600"] FSSC 22000 successfully passed! [/lazy_load_box] [lazy_load_box effect="slidefromright" speed="700"] We are pleased to announce that our subsidiary EMPAC Polska was successfully certified to the FSSC 22000 food standard by TÜV Polska at the beginning of November. This food safety management system is based on the ISO 22000 standard, which has…
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About: emAdmin
Recent Posts by emAdmin
That was POWTECH 2022!
[row custom_class="first-row"] [span12] [lazy_load_box effect="slidefromleft" speed="600"] That was POWTECH 2022! [/lazy_load_box] [lazy_load_box effect="slidefromright" speed="700"] 2017 was the last time we exhibited at Powtech - 5 years is a long time! All the greater was the anticipation of finally meeting customers, suppliers and interested parties live and in colour again. This is exactly the reason why…
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Re-certification ISO 9001, 15378 and FSSC 22000.
[row custom_class="first-row"] [span12] [lazy_load_box effect="slidefromleft" speed="600"] Re-certification ISO 9001, 15378 and FSSC 22000. [/lazy_load_box] [lazy_load_box effect="slidefromright" speed="700"] With the completion of the annual audit and the review of the audit reports, EMPAC was re-certified for ISO 9001, ISO 15378 and FSSC 22000. Thus, our company remains one of the few FIBC manufacturers with ISO 15378…
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EMPAC Award Winner of the Innovation Award “Münsterland“ 2019
[row custom_class="first-row"] [span12] [lazy_load_box effect="slidefromleft" speed="600"] EMPAC Award Winner of the Innovation Award “Münsterland“ 2019 [/lazy_load_box] [lazy_load_box effect="slidefromright" speed="700"] EMPAC was awarded the Innovation Award Münsterland 2019 for developing a new laser film perforation process in collaboration with the laser centre of the FH Münster. In front of about 300 guests, the Emsdetten-based company received…
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